CGCC’s 3 days of Belt and Road fest brought one of Hong Kong’s was a cultural extravaganza that happened in the centre of the city at the Chater House, Hong Kong.
This multicultural fest brought one of Hong Kong’s most diverse celebrations to the heart of Central.
More than 2000 people flocked to the city to share in three days of food, fun, dance, culture and creativity. HongKongers and visitors from overseas were delighted with the quality of the entertainment and the wonderful variety of food from across the participating countries.
The fest was intended at boosting the trade as well as to encourage cultural bondage between people of the participating countries. Since Hong Kong has great relationship with all the participating countries, it was chosen as the perfect destination for this festival.
The Belt and Road festival in pictures:

This was the fun part of the event. If you would like to know more about how Hong Kong can benefit from this – read this post here – What’s in it for Hong Kong?